Ziggy, The Cat, Launches a Whole New Idea For Pet Death Therapy

Vera writes,

“Hi, I’m a 12-year-old girl and I just recently lost my gorgeous pet cat, Ziggy. He was a brown Burnese and loved cuddles. No matter what type of attention it was, he loved it. He died of either FIP or cancer and I just wasn’t ready to let him go. I can’t stop crying about him and my father has got a loan enough for us to buy a house. He also says we can get a cat. I have been praying to him to ask if he can reincarnate into our next pet because I miss him so much and I loved him so much! I would take bullets for my baby! Thanks, Vera”

Hi Vera,

I’m sorry it has taken me a week to send this answer, but your email arrived the day before I flew from London to Tallinn, Estonia. Even though I took your dictation in the Riga, Latvia, airport while sitting up all night, en-route; I haven’t been able to work on this blog until just now. But here’s your answer

Oh my Holy Spirit, though my brain feels foggy, would this be a good time to take dictation on Vera’s question about her beloved cat, Ziggy, who just died?

“Yes, it would be wonderful, even though it’s a little noisy in this airport. Just tell Vera to be happy with whoever she is mother to. Cats don’t reincarnate and each one of her pets will have its own special individuality and she is capable of loving them all, just as human mothers love all of their babies. She is only twelve now, so she will understand this better as she fondly remembers a long line of beloved pets.

Just enjoy your new home and your new kitty that will come with it. You will meet Ziggy again when you die but don’t be eager to hurry that reunion. You have a long life to live yet!”

And then, when I arrived in Tallinn, this beautiful Capital City of Estonia, and was walking through its medieval Old Town, I saw some handcrafts displayed in a gift store and had a fantastic, surely-Ziggy-inspired idea! Here’s a way you could remember him and keep him with you, for a long time. There were sweet little  earrings and pins, cut out of felt in the shape of cats and dogs. So easy to make, so lightweight to wear. So popular and attractive. 

These appear to be teddy bears and painted rocks??? Can't get my cats to load.

These appear to be teddy bears and painted rocks??? Can’t get my cats to load.

You can research how to make felt cutout earrings and pins and start sketching the form you want to cut out. Think Christmas presents for your family this year!!!  And think of how all the grieving pet owners could use the same idea to help them put their love into their hands as they make these little mementos for their loved ones. Thanks, Ziggy!

By the way go to Amazon.com to order my recent book Hearing Inner Voices – The Dead Pet Whisperer about this very subject.

About Linda J. Brown

Linda is a solo around the world traveler, having slowly explored the world's two hemispheres. A third trip around the equator has just begun, planned to last at least four years. After living for a year in the spiritual and beautiful town of Santa Fe, New Mexico, she has transferred to the beautiful and spiritual town of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Feeling honored that the mysterious Hurricane Patricia paid her a call during her first week; she is none-the-less, eternally-grateful that this "worst hurricane in human history" decided to leave the planet alone, after all.
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