How Can I Connect With Both The Inner And The Outer Aspects Of Another Human Being?




This is a continuation of a previous question submitted by Robert, who is studying to be a massage therapist so that he can better use his psychic healing talents:

Oh my  Holy Spirit! In my journal, I summed Your advice up as: “Share that which  you know to be true; particularly New Millennium Truths. That will help  encourage others to do the same with any new  truths which they might learn,  along  their own way through life. Quiet leadership is what this concept is all  about.”

Okay,  that still relates mostly to the “talking” side of things. Robert is very  intuitively attuned to the needs of people’s bodies and in finding ways by  which his own healing touch can help them. The most effective massage is done  in silence with both consciousnesses meeting in the middle. Even the most  eloquent storyteller can’t operate in that situation since it is a different part of the mind which stories and information will appeal to.

In a  way, these two elements: the energy-filled hands and the energy-filled mind,  represent opposite ends of the spectrum and each of them need center stage all  to themselves. Have you any suggestion for Robert as to ways to use both of  these considerable talents of his in his desire to help other people come into  their own?

“My God! That is so beautifully put! This is true and true  and true and it represents the only dilemma that mankind faces on this material  planet. I think that his true research should be in remote healing; touching  the ethereal body instead of exclusively the physical body. Things are not so  much solved on the outside of the human body, nor on the outside of the human  mind. But they are very effectively addressed on the inside with the other  person’s knowledge and permission. So, these things can be developed as he  learns the physiology and becomes accredited to do massage and perhaps to teach  massage.

The cranium is an important part of the physical body which  is probably given short shrift in massage training today. Have you ever had  anyone massage your scalp, Linda Layli?”

Don’t  think so. You would know if I had. Have I?

“Don’t think so, either. It would feel very good and is  something that could be done in public as a chair massage. Not as many people  specialize in that, and I’m not suggesting that Robert should exclusively focus  on this arena. However, it might be a first step toward integrating the Inner  and Outer human being and might bring about the chance to consult with his  clients concerning heavy-duty issues involving their mental tensions, philosophies, belief structures or any negative elements which are affecting  their consciousness.

This could lead to clearing their whole psyche of negative  vibrations in a way (through touch on the cranium) which is less personal than  a full-body massage. Perhaps it would lead, even more directly, to an eventual  sharing of stories, ideas, concepts and images which possibly could replace  those neglected parts sensed while treating their head, neck and shoulders.

This is not a command to you, Robert, in any way, shape, or  form; but it’s My thinking of you and new and different ways that you might be able to incorporate two, apparently opposite, but actually co-dependent upon  each other, realms represented within all human beings.

Here is  your leadership challenge!

To explore your own potential to the fullest and to forge  paths which satisfy the goals which you have set for yourself. We’ll All be  eager to see how you do this.”

About Linda J. Brown

Linda is a solo around the world traveler, having slowly explored the world's two hemispheres. A third trip around the equator has just begun, planned to last at least four years. After living for a year in the spiritual and beautiful town of Santa Fe, New Mexico, she has transferred to the beautiful and spiritual town of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Feeling honored that the mysterious Hurricane Patricia paid her a call during her first week; she is none-the-less, eternally-grateful that this "worst hurricane in human history" decided to leave the planet alone, after all.
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