Can Humans With Very Different Backgrounds Get Along?



This question concerns Class Differences. Is it possible for people in dichotomous circumstances to get along harmoniously on deep levels, without any horrendous emotional revolts coming along to fracture things between them? Are there inherent, irreconcilable differences between humans based upon race, nationality, religion, economic and educational levels, intellect, social standing and other similar factors, which are obvious variations within the human race?

No, there are not any barriers apparent, except their acceptability to Me. This one little qualification is what separates the sheep from the goats. No other qualification is really insurmountable between members of the human race. This is so important, this acceptability to the Holy Threshold, that it will divide people all over this New Millennium.

I do have information of a general nature regarding some things close to the Earth. Particularly, those things which touch the lives of those to whom I Am very actively drawn by their own beseeching. It’s not always a good thing to share everything that I know with humans who are involved with tests intended for their lifetimes. That would make it difficult to navigate according to their own decisions. But, if someone is turning toward Me and beseeching the Source of Being, then I will help to guide them to the right “muscle-building doorway.” That is how human beings need to work their way through this physical realm of existence.

What a perfectly simple truth! You say that it is the quality of the response within each human heart that is the one basic and only important feature of a human being? How each person relates to You determines his ability to harmonize with others. So, two humans who independently love and connect with You will be able to associate together harmoniously, no matter what the trappings of their lives? Any other combination, whether it is of one who is connected and one who is not; or two who are not connected; those combinations could fail at any time. Is that correct?

Yes! That is the simple equation and it is the determining test for all of My creatures. This Millennial Crossover was the doorway to a new condition. And there will never be another period of crossover exactly like it. Many of My creatures will not be accepted in the new condition and are falling by the wayside if they are not connected to Me in their central core, not just in their outward appearance. They will self-destruct in this lifetime, whether that is apparent to those around them, or not.

Are You saying that if people of different backgrounds have solved the ultimate goal for every life….to become firmly attached to The Creator, through The Holy Spirit, then they will be free of conflict with their fellow human beings?

Yes, that is true. The situation is that the connected ones are so relatively rare that their example is not commonly seen in this plane of existence where conflict is still the rule. When there is no conflict, people don’t take note, and harmony is often never even recognized as an unusual occasion. But it is unusual and I do notice and that is the only time that it matters. I observe My beloved ones as they proceed through the minefields of life. I experience the pride of a parent when these particles of Myself successfully complete life without having become besmirched by their fellow man and the behavior of those who have no idea of Me and My Standards.

This is a whole new transitional period for Earth’s population and tests are going to be very severe for the foreseeable future, while the impure ones are disappearing. But it will be a fine time for those who are taking their inspiration from The Holy Spirit.

About Linda J. Brown

Linda is a solo around the world traveler, having slowly explored the world's two hemispheres. A third trip around the equator has just begun, planned to last at least four years. After living for a year in the spiritual and beautiful town of Santa Fe, New Mexico, she has transferred to the beautiful and spiritual town of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Feeling honored that the mysterious Hurricane Patricia paid her a call during her first week; she is none-the-less, eternally-grateful that this "worst hurricane in human history" decided to leave the planet alone, after all.
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